I miss just about everyone I know- all very indivdual misses with distinct tugs as fast as a glance and unaffected by the new relationships I'm making.
I miss my mom especially today, though, because I thought several thoughts this morning that I would have shared with her immediately if not for the freakin 8 hour time difference. I'm bad at math and I hate this whole counting back 8 hours crap. Stupid round earth.
Anyway, people often note our similarities (including Papa Don, who made this side-by-side for me a billion years ago). We have freckles and auburn hair and I don't know whether I imitated her or called up the noises from my genes, but we both have the same laugh, too. We laugh at the same things in the same way and usually cry at the same books and I think she's super smart, (use your deduction) so when we talk a lot I feel reinforced. Plus she's fun.
You know what else is fun? Yeats. I'm serious. I have an oral presentation coming up this week and I'm excited because the class is so divided and electric in their opinions of him. My professor constantly talks about how Yeats wanted his work to be ratified (ratify: to approve and sanction formally) by the Irish people, which it wasn't because he was a Protestant and at times rather pretentious. He might not have been ratified as he wished, but he's about to be radifed (radify: to make rad) during my presentation.
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