Monday, November 20, 2006

10 tid bits on my mind

1. My mom calls my life in Ireland cerebral slapstick. How'd she get so quick and alliterative?

2. Today I laughed out loud in public for the first time in about a month. It was a tee-shirt that did it.

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

3. I was paid money for a published piece. I have just tasted virgin blood and my wig is askew. I won't go back to eating rats, Louis!

4. I watched part of Interview with the Vampire today while I made lunch.

5. I made a pita pizza with mozzarella, basil and tomatoes, but then I wanted to puke when I saw the cooked tomatoes.

6. All I eat are pita pizzas and clementines, or "mandarins," as in, "12 mandarins for 1 Euro, love. I see you looking; come buy me mandarins, love. One Euro. Thank you, love. Good day, love. Come back."

7. Playing fast on the mandolin is very hard.

8. Part of me feels claustrophobic, conflicted and awful when reading Beckett. Why? Because he builds a house with sentences like, "he had expressed the wish to get up and go out into the fresh air, but timidly, as when one asks for the moon,"-- beautiful bricks-- and right next to them he places, "our concern here is not with Moll, who after all is only a female." It's because he hates women worse than death. He says so over and over and then over again.

9. My sleeping, drunk professor across the way didn't open his blinds last week. Where is he? Where is he!

10. West coast or east coast?


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at the haiku also!! I guess that's not such a feat coming from me, though. And the answer is always east coast! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have your email address but I wanted to let you know I added you to my blogroll.

Anonymous said...

East Coast

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being paid for your work! What a feat!

So why does it haveto be a East/West thing? People are always ignoring the middle states. In my opinion Nebraska is sooo underrated.