Lately whenever anything strikes me as totally Irish and odd, I look at Sean and scream, "TWO LITTLE BIRDIES!" with a brogue.
On Friday, we went to the National Museum of Old Stuff and saw bodies preserved in bogs from the year 100 or so that still had curly hair and beards. We saw brooches and earings from 230 B.C. That's right. B. freakin C. There were swords and bowls with intricate decorations that kidnapped my brain so that all I thought about that day were hands from 2000 years ago holding swords and bowls.
We went on a rail and bus tour up to the Cliffs of Moher and Burren on Saturday. I've posted some pics of it HERE!. Beware- these are so Irish.
Sunday morning we all went to mass then ate an Irish breakfast with black and white pudding (TWO LITTLE BIRDIES!). After the Doc and Mrs. left Sean and I went to see "Little Miss Sunshine"; it's my new favorite movie. I know I lack the distance needed to correctly compare it with previously seen awesome movies. Also, I recognize that every book I last read is my new favorite book, as is the case right now. But they feel so favorite still. Anyway, after seeing my new favorite movie, Sean and I stood outside of the Savoy and Sean looked at me and said, "I'm homesick" and I said, "There's an anvil in my stomach" and he said, "I'm going to cry." And we totally did.
We're feeling better now. I started classes yesterday and want to adopt all of my professors. They will be my entertaining children. Teach me something new, Declan. Make Mama some waffles while you talk about Yeats, Dr. Clutterbuck (her real name).

Above are photos of my new favorite movie and new favorite book. Note the book is not Gulliver's Travels or Castle Rackrent, the other two books I'm reading, which indicates a lack of interest in the subject matter of my classes.
Great to have you back Jess... I was so excited when I saw all these posts I hadn't read yet.... and I poured myself a glass of wine and read your blog. It was thoroughly entertaining... thanks, you little birdie you.
How odd. Our book club choice is Gilead which we will discussing on Monday. Hope all is well and we miss you lots!
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