I've included some photos down below. I can't include them in the text anymore because I just can't figure out how to do it on the mac. So down there you can find Sean and me on the day after I finally slept. That's me on my bed without anything on the walls or a cup to drink from- a stark image of me having my priorities straight. My room is there. And that building is what I see out of my room's window. On a campus of tired 60's concrete and cement, my room overlooks the only building on campus I imagine some beautiful Irish woman designed. I took pictures of my window sill where my friends and family stay. Those stores are part of the town Donnybrook. Sean and I sometimes stop there on our way to City Center to get a bottle of water or a new candy bar. I was going to post some residual Yosemites. Distance hasn't rubbed that place from my heart yet. Ah, Yosemite. But I'm sure you've had enough of that. And finally, that's a beautiful male model sleeping. I won't be seeing that anymore because...
Sean finally found a room in a house!
It's close to campus and somehow the greenery on the walk there smells better than any natural scent ever to enter our noses. The dog living in the house, Mega, is my new love. When I come in, I stand with my feet apart and she puts her body lengthwise against my knees, with one front paw on one foot and one back paw on my other foot and then she tilts her head back to make pleased eye contact with me as I all but lick her back, pick her up and carry her out of the house to be my own. I'm this close to being a dognapper.
I dislike John, the man who owns the house. Dislike in the same way I would dislike it if someone stabbed a needle in my eye. He's a proud, bitter, crappy, failed artist and he's demeaning. Sean laughs politely but a defiant anger colors my face when John lumps us with freedom fries or mentions how much we must like TV and Walmart. Yesterday John berated me for thinking TK MAXX would be like the States' TJ MAXX. "This isn't America." You know what John? Are you listening to me? Are you? Stop filling your house with tie-dye and puffy paint a minute. TK MAXX has the exact same label off by one letter in the exact same colors. Lay off me, PicassNO. Heh.
I'll take pictures of Mega and the art. It really is tie-dye and puffy paint.

I looove these pictures! They aren’t the merry whistling, skipping down the lane photos that I’d imagined – they are so much better, they’re real.
The failed artist, successful wackadoo guy – ugh! You should totally make him a batch of EXTREEME oatmeal apple cookies. If he doesn’t fall at your feet and claim you as his muse to create a work of art so visceral, so awe inspiring, that it causes everyone who views it to realize what truth and beauty are and live the rest of their lives in peaceful harmony with the rest of humankind and mother earth… well, then you might want to make him another batch of cookies with a good deal of catnip. I’m just saying…
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