We talk about important things- socialism, vegetarianism, Pynchon, Marvin Gaye. We drink a beer brewed on the premises called Brain Blasta. 7% alcohol by volume. I typed that correctly. It's a pun on braon blasta, an Irish phrase meaning tasty drop, which is what we call it for short; it's Christian name is tasty drop-kick to your sobriety.

After 2 of those babies, Cody dances. He makes white cool and then does the best moonwalk so Sean and I make him teach us and now I practice it every morning. Sean says, "I love all your clothes, man. You've got style." Cody says, "Well, I've been wanting to say that you, my friend, can grow a beard." I'm tired from beer and nights thinking instead of sleeping and Cody taps my elbow, "You hanging in there?"
It's 1:30. We write email addresses on the backs of free magazines and put them in our bags. Hugs are given, taken, returned to their owners tighter. Sean and Cody hug and I realize how tall Cody is and how neither of them begin patting. It would have been an awesome year getting to know Cody. I do know that.
Today Cody's getting on a plane back to the states and I'm going to read Lady Gregory, write a report, watch last week's Lost, go for a jog and call another of the numbers I got from class.
50% of your list is right on the mark. Socialism and Marvin Gaye are the future! Ciao!
Speaking of great beers, the brewery down the street from me has its seasonal pumpkin ale this month!! I dislike most pumpkin flavored things, but I can't get enough of this beer (I went 3 times this week)!!! :)
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